Radiant Relief: Red Light Therapy for Arthritis, Joint Pain and Bone Health

Radiant Relief is a non-invasive treatment that uses red light therapy to alleviate arthritis pain, joint pain, and improve bone health. Red light therapy for arthritis and bone penetrates deep into the tissues to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. It is a safe and effective treatment option that has been shown to improve range of motion, reduce joint stiffness, and increase bone density. By using red light therapy, Radiant Relief provides an innovative solution for those suffering from chronic arthritis pain, joint pain, and bone-related conditions.

Arthritis & Joint Pain

Arthritis is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world, regardless of age or gender. It is characterized by chronic inflammation in one or more joints, which leads to recurrent pain, spasms and stiffness. Arthritis effects the muscles and bones and can take many forms, but the most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While some people may be able to manage their arthritis symptoms with medication or physical therapy, others are looking for natural, non-invasive ways to alleviate their pain.

How Red Light Therapy for Arthritis and Bone can help

Red light and  Near infrared (NIR Light) is safe and has been utilized in some medical settings to treat arthritis since the late 1980s. Sufficient scientific evidence emerged by 2000 to suggest its use for all arthritis patients, regardless of the type or severity of the condition. Subsequently, numerous high-quality clinical studies have been conducted to improve the parameters for all potentially affected joints. The efficacy of this treatment is evident in certain individuals, as demonstrated by a news report.

Recently some forms of appropriate light therapy is now being considered a dependable treatment for arthritis pain and could also potentially prevent osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other joint inflammation issues. This is not unexpected, as the most extensively researched benefits of light therapy are pain relief and faster enhanced healing.

Arthritis typically begins with intense and incapacitating pain. Through light therapy, inflammation in the joint can be reduced to alleviate this pain. Human clinical trials have tested light therapy on various areas affected by arthritis, such as the back, neck, shoulders, elbows, fingers, hands, wrists, ankles, feet, toes, and knees.

The knee joint, in particular, has been extensively studied as it is commonly affected and can lead to disability and loss of mobility. Studies have shown promising results using red and near-infrared light to treat knee arthritis. Arthritic issues in the hands, wrists, fingers, and toes are relatively easier to address due to their smaller size and shallow depth.

The two primary forms of arthritis that are being researched are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as they are prevalent, however, there is a possibility that the same treatment approach might be useful for other types of arthritis, as well as joint problems that are unrelated, such as injury or post-surgery, such as psoriatic, gout and juvenile arthritis.

To address osteoarthritis, the treatment approach typically involves shining light directly on the affected area. Similarly, rheumatoid arthritis treatment methods can also involve light therapy, with some treatments also involving the application of light to the bloodstream. This is because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, with joints being a symptom rather than the root problem, which lies in the immune cells.

What causes Arthritis?

Arthritis can result from chronic inflammation of a joint, sudden injury or stress, or the loss of the body’s ability to repair daily wear and tear on joints.

There are numerous factors that can contribute to the onset of arthritis, including a reduction in oxidative metabolism, clinical hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, adrenal hormone deficiencies, changes in liver function, and nutrient deficiencies. Abnormal calcium metabolism is also present in all types of arthritis.

Most types of arthritis have a clear connection to hormones, as evidenced by the fact that pregnancy can alleviate arthritic symptoms in some women. Women are also three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis, which underscores the hormonal connection.

The link between adrenal hormones and all types of arthritis has been established for over a century. Additionally, liver health is closely tied to rheumatoid arthritis, and deficiencies in nutrients such as calcium are also associated with arthritis. Abnormal calcium metabolism is present in all types of arthritis.

While the exact cause of arthritis is still debated, it is clear that multiple factors can play a role in its development.

Treatment with Red Light / NIR Light

Now we understand what causes Arthritis and joint pain, we can now begin to understand how low level laser therapy (LLLT) | red light therapy for arthritis can help.

The theory supporting light therapy is that wavelengths of red and near infrared light, ranging from 600nm to 1000nm, are assimilated by our cells, causing an augmentation in the natural energy (ATP) generation. Scientists who research about it refer to this process as ‘photobiomodulation’. This leads to the amplification in mitochondrial products like ATP, NADH, and co2 which are the typical consequences of a robust and non-stressed metabolism.

Nitric oxide (NO) is released from cells during light therapy. This is a stress molecule that inhibits respiration, so sending it out of the cells is a good thing. The specific idea is that red/NIR light is dissociating NO from cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondria, thus allowing oxygen to be processed again.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are released in small amounts after light therapy.

Vasodilation is potentially stimulated by red/IR light therapy – something related to NO and very significant for joint inflammation and arthritis.

The effect of red/NIR light on cellular water is that it enlarges the space between individual water molecules. Consequently, this leads to alterations in the physical characteristics of cells resulting in enhanced performance of enzymatic reactions, proteins with reduced resistance, and improved diffusion. These changes occur within cells as well as in the bloodstream and other intercellular regions.

There is sufficient proof that irradiating veins and arteries in any part of the body has a wider impact on the system, as it enhances blood flow and minimizes inflammation in that specific area. The main point is that red/near-infrared light alleviates local pressure, thus aiding the cells to work at their best capacity, which is also applicable to the joint cells.

Red or Near-Infrared?

The main difference between red (600-700nm) and infrared (700-100nm) light seems to be the depth to which they can penetrate, with wavelengths higher than 740nm penetrating better than wavelengths under 740nm – and this has practical implications for arthritis.

A low power red light may be appropriate for arthritis of the hands and feet, but it could fall short for arthritis of the knees, shoulders and bigger joints.

The majority of arthritis light therapy studies use infrared wavelengths for this very reason and the studies comparing red and infrared wavelengths show better results from the infrared. This is the reason why both contained within the emit LEDS belt and that the intensity on our products is adjustable.

Ensuring penetration to the joints

In practical terms, anything below the wavelength of 600nm or over the wavelength of 950nm won’t penetrate deeply. The 740-850nm range seems to be the sweet spot for optimal penetration and around 820nm for maximum effects on the cell. Strength of the light (aka power density / mW/cm²) also affects penetration with 50mW/cm² over a few cm² area being a good minimum. So essentially, this boils down to a device with wavelengths in the 800-850nm range and greater than 50mW/cm² power density.

The primary factors that determine how deeply light can penetrate tissues are the wavelength and intensity of the light that reaches the skin. Generally, wavelengths below 600nm or above 950nm will not penetrate deeply, while the optimal range for penetration is between 740-850nm, with 830nm being the most effective.

In addition, the strength of the light, measured in power density (mW/cm²), also impacts penetration, with a minimum of 50mW/cm² over a few cm² area being ideal. Therefore, an effective device for tissue penetration should have wavelengths in the 800-850nm range and a power density greater than 50mW/cm².

This is why emit LEDS belt uses 633nm and 670nm for red light and 833nm and 850nm for near-infrared. It has a dimmable intensity function which has a maximum of 100mW/cm2.

What is Tendinitis?

Tendinitis is a condition where the tendons, which connect muscles to bones, become inflamed and painful. It can occur in any part of the body, but is most common in the elbow, shoulder, and heel. Tendinitis is usually caused by overuse or repetitive strain, but can also be a result of injury or disease.

How does red light therapy help?

Red light therapy for arthritis has been shown to be effective in treating tendinitis by reducing inflammation and promoting healing. The red light stimulates the production of ATP, which is the energy source for cells. This increase in energy helps to speed up the natural healing process of the body. Red light therapy also increases blood flow to the affected area, which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissues.

In addition, red light therapy has been shown to reduce pain associated with tendinitis. The therapy stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by the body. This helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with tendinitis, allowing patients to resume normal activities more quickly.

How to improve Bone Health with Red Light Therapy

Aside from Red light therapy helping with medical conditions, it has also been shown to have a positive impact on bone health. It can help to increase bone density, which is especially important for individuals with osteoporosis or at risk for fractures. Red light therapy has been found to stimulate the production of osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for building new bone tissue. It can also help to reduce the activity of osteoclasts, which are the cells responsible for breaking down bone tissue.

Furthermore, red light therapy for arthritis and bone has been shown to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. It can help to reduce inflammation and promote the growth of new blood vessels, which helps to speed up the healing process. Red light therapy can also help to reduce pain associated with fractures, allowing patients to resume normal activities more quickly.

Red light therapy speeds up the healing of fractures by stimulating the production of ATP, which is the energy source for cells. This increase in energy helps to speed up the natural healing process of the body. Red light therapy also increases blood flow to the affected area, which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the injured tissues.

Additionally, it reduces inflammation and promotes the growth of new blood vessels, which helps to speed up the healing process. Red light therapy can also help to reduce pain associated with fractures, allowing patients to resume normal activities more quickly. Overall, red light therapy is a safe and effective way to help heal fractures and promote better bone health.

Optimal Wavelength and intensity

The optimal wavelength and intensity for healing bones with red light therapy depend on the specific condition being treated. Generally, wavelengths between 600-1000nm are used for bone healing, with the most effective being around 830nm. In terms of intensity, studies have used a range of intensities, but the most common is between 20-100mW/cm2. It’s important to note that the duration of treatment and frequency of sessions also play a role in the effectiveness of red light therapy for arthritis and bone healing.

This is why emit LEDS belt uses 633nm and 670nm for red light and 833nm and 850nm for near-infrared. It has a dimmable intensity function which has a maximum of 100mW/cm2.

How red Light therapy can be a holistic method of pain relief and anti inflammatory.

For many people suffering from pain including chronic pain, the idea of constantly taking pain medication can be daunting. They worry about the long-term effects of these chemicals on their bodies, and they may not want to become reliant on medication to manage their pain. Fortunately, there are natural, non-invasive methods of pain relief available, and one of the most promising is red light therapy for arthritis, joint pain and bone.

By using light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, red light therapy can provide effective pain relief without the need for medication. In this article, we’ll explore how red light therapy can be a holistic approach to pain relief, and how it can help those suffering from chronic pain to find relief without the need for medication.

Red light therapy and near infrared therapy are holistic forms of pain relief because they work with the body’s natural healing processes to promote overall health and wellbeing. Unlike medication, which only treats symptoms, red light therapy targets the root causes of pain and inflammation, promoting healing from the inside out. This natural approach not only provides pain relief but also helps to improve overall health and wellbeing, making it a more holistic method of pain management.

What forms of pain can red light therapy and near-infrared therapy help with?

Red light therapy and near infrared therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of pain conditions, including arthritis, joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, and neuropathic pain. By delivering targeted wavelengths of light to the affected area, these therapies stimulate cellular regeneration and tissue repair, helping to accelerate healing from injuries and surgeries, reduce inflammation and pain. They also help to improve circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the affected area, which promotes healing and reduces recovery time.

Moreover, red light therapy and near infrared therapy are non-invasive and have no side effects, making them a safe and effective alternative to medication. And the good news is that suffering from pain wont lead to an opioids addiction. They can be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, such as physical therapy and exercise, to provide a comprehensive approach to pain management. By promoting overall health and wellbeing, red light therapy and near infrared therapy provide a holistic method of pain relief that is sustainable, effective, and safe.

Revolutionary Red Light Therapy for Arthritis and Bone Health

From Founder

Arthritis is debilitating where it can leave some people bed bound. Red Light therapy for Arthritis can help along with joint pain and bone health.
Eugene Emmanuel

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